Risk assessments matter by ImpactWeb | Jun 24, 2024 | Uncategorized Risk assessments matter Perform a quick checklist before you perform a task to keep everyone safe. Complete the survey in the link below and stand a chance to win R500 cash. #WoodlandsDairySA #FortheGoodofAll #HealthandSafety Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HealthandSafety_Apr24 Perform a risk assessment of the task and surroundings Do you have a valid work permit? PPE: do you have the correct eye protection? The correct gloves? Protective footwear? Do you need any special PPE, such as a chemical respirator or a harness? Is your PPE in good and safe condition? Do you have the correct tools and are they in good working condition? Do you know how to operate the tools or equipment? Do you know how to complete the task safely? Do you understand the standard operating procedures (SOPs) related to your tasks?
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